The walls are coming down!

As of May 31st, the tobacco powerwalls are coming down in Ontario! Children and adults alike will no longer be bombarded by the tobacco industry’s blatant displays of their products at checkouts. This is a means to encourage people to quit smoking (or never begin in the first place). I would hope that the rest of the country will follow, and soon, the world. Just a dream, maybe, but who knows…….

If you are thinking of quitting and need some help, we have a few resources to help at the library.

Clearing the haze : A teen’s guide to smoking related health issues by Joan Esherick

Stop smoking made E-Z, by Gerald Esopenko


How to quit smoking without gaining weight by Bess Marcus

These are just a few ideas to help you along. You can always come in and reserve a computer to do some research of your own on the effects of smoking, or how to quit. Check out a few of these sites to guide you along…:,3182,3384_423978__langId-en,00.html