Thank you!

Whether you’ve been with us since the beginning, or just found us recently, we’d like to thank you for stopping by our blog and taking the time to comment and like our posts. It means so much to us!

But with the expansion of our community, and the resulting increase in library programs, circulation, and memberships, we’re sad to say that we’re going to be ending our blogging run with this final post. We’ve been active in the WordPress community since early 2008, and have thoroughly enjoyed our time here creating posts about our library world, books, authors, and everything in between. It will be difficult for us to let this portion of our social media go, but in order to focus on new projects and expand existing ones, we have to do it.

Don’t worry–our content here will stay as is. You’ll still be able to contact us online, but maybe you’ll want to start following our library on Facebook, Instagram, or our newest venture–YouTube! We’d love to have you along for the ride.

Thank you so much for being a reader.

With gratitude,

The Carleton Place Library Staff

Selfie Confidence Workshop Series

Supermodels and teenagers seem to be the only people who actually like taking photos of themselves. The rest of us have…issues. Either we hate the way we look in photos, or we never have the opportunity to get in the picture. This four-week workshop series is about to change that….and more!

Join us Tuesday nights from 6-7:30pm starting September 10th for “Selfie Confidence”. You’ll dig deep into why you hate having your picture taken, and learn some great tricks to start loving who you are and what you look like—with the added bonus of getting some creative photos you’ll actually want to share!

Registration begins today for this free program, and spaces are limited, so please call 257-2702 to sign up. Participants will need a cell phone or camera, and a solid working knowledge of how to use it.

Most of all, you should be ready to have fun in a safe, welcoming environment meant to boost your self-esteem and supercharge your creativity!

Sign up for our Email Newsletter!

We’ve done it—–we now have a monthly library newsletter that goes right to your inbox!

Find out what programs we’re running, what books are new, and anything else that might be going on at the library—just by signing up online.  It only takes a second, and you’ll never miss out on the fun again!

Just click this link and you’ll be whisked away to our page to add your email to our list! You’ll be happy you did!

Space Talk at the Library

Local astronomer Frank Hitchens is coming back to the library this month with a presentation in honour of the 50th Anniversary of the moon landing.

Join us on Saturday, July 20th, at 3pm….the exact time and date of the first moon landing…for an amazing talk about the mission, its astronauts, and more.

This event is free, and open to the general public, with no registration needed. Light refreshments will be served, so plan on a fun and interesting afternoon about space flight!

Teens at the library

We have so many fun programs for teens at our library. This summer, we’re continuing with the Teen Summer Reading calendar, which includes lots of fun items, including books to win, challenges, and the ever popular Book Buck Bingo card. Readers will try to read according to the squares, earn book bucks for reading, and spend them at the end of the summer on fun items like gift cards, books, and more.

We’re starting to take applications for the Teen Art Show in October, so drop in to pick one up if you have a teen who loves to create. There are no limits to what they can contribute—last year we had illustrations, paintings, crafts, and even a stop-motion animated story!  It was amazing.  Applications are due by August 31st to be considered.

We’re also going to be putting out applications for our library Teen Advisory Group. This is a great way for teens to earn volunteer hours for school, while having fun and doing great things for the library. Past groups have organized events, represented us in local festivals, and held fund-raising bake sales. Meetings are every month from September to June, and only require participants to take part for 1.5 hours a month. Extra events can earn more hours, but it’s not a requirement. It’s a great way to support the library!

Our Teen Book Club will be starting up again in the fall–although with a somewhat different format. Due to the Interlibrary Loan restrictions, we’ll be reading with themes this year–a popular activity we tried last year. Themes will be announced in August, and teens who want to attend only need to read a book by a certain author, or within a certain genre, and be prepared to talk to the group about it briefly. It’s a super casual meeting once a month, and includes tons of snacks, and laughter. Only ages 12 and up can join, so watch for our announcement later this summer when registration opens up!

And we’ll have some special excitement opening up later this fall in the teen area. Stay tuned for more!